At the United States Karate Academy, we’re committed to building and developing our karate students to become the best they can. Our members train to become a United States Karate Academy Black Belt. Through Karate they experience progress, growth, and change in the dojo (classroom) and in many areas of their lives.
Our Karate students have increased their physical fitness and confidence through our old school, traditional Martial Arts training. This experience has allowed them to perform better at work, in school, and at home.
We hope that you will find our staff of Black Belt Instructors to be a positive influence on your life.
Our Main goal is to provide you with high-quality Karate and Martial Arts instruction in a positive and safe environment. Our innovative teaching and unique curriculum allow you to learn in a step-by-step manner.
Your training will teach you a variety of effective blocks, strikes, and self-defense techniques. This will increase your confidence and physical fitness.
I'd like to tell you about our Martial Arts Success System.
The United States Karate Academy's "Ten Point Success System"
1. Positive Role Models: The biggest asset of the United States Karate Academy?" Easy! The teachers! Now, I'll tell you up front. They are not like the teachers you've seen in the Martial Art movies. Are they "tough guys?" Yes. But what you will notice (and so will your child) is that they are "Nice Guys." They have been hand selected not just because they are great Martial Artists. They have been chosen because they are wonderful people and have a great love of helping others benefit from the Martial Arts! All of our teachers were once students at the United States Karate Academy themselves. They care about each student individually - and are totally committed to helping your child reach his or her potential.
2. Physical Fitness: It's hard to feel good about yourself when you are out of shape physically or when your athletic skills have not been fully developed. Our belief is that, regardless of how athletic somebody seems to be there is an athlete inside all of us. When a student feels their physical skills skyrocket it's not long before their self-image follows suit!
3. A High Energy, Exciting Environment: Many kids have grown accustomed to virtual activities (video games, television, and internet). Participating in an exciting, high energy environment, focused on an actual activity, will give your child a very real sense of achievement!
4. Regular Incentives for Effort and Achievement: The belt system of Martial Arts (your child will earn a new belt every three months: white, yellow, gold, orange, blue, purple, green, etc.), regular positive feedback and recognition of accomplishment, incentives for improvement, applause, smiles, and high-fives will systematically lead your child into the "Yes, I Can!" attitude you've always wanted for him or her.
5. The "Message of the Week": Regular exposure, through our "Message of the Week," to systematic instruction, accompanied by exercises in the lessons of respect, discipline, focus, persistence, courage, discipline and confidence. (Most of the "United States Karate Academy" parents name this as their favorite part of the program!)
6. A Proven System of Skill Development: No fancy theories or hard to understand concepts here. Instructor Okuyama, Instructor Seldomridge, Instructor Melissa and the rest of our teachers are experts in teaching the actual SKILLS of listening and focus. Hint: We'll be teaching these to your child in the very first week!
7. A Series of Positively Constructed Challenges that will build your child's confidence. You will be delighted as you see your children confidently move outside their comfort zone. As the weeks go by, you will smile with pride as your son or daughter moves from challenge to challenge their confidence soaring at each new accomplishment!
8. An Atmosphere of Respect: You watch with satisfaction as your children learn to give respect and to earn respect. Most importantly, they learn the essential lessons of Self-Respect!
9. Order and Structure: Even though the atmosphere is friendly and supportive, Karate is not "play time." You will be delighted to see how your children develop focus and persistence in our orderly, structured environment.
10. A Friendship Based Environment: If you are expecting the old, harsh, authoritarian, military style Martial Art training you are going to be sadly disappointed. When you visit us, you will find a friendly, supportive environment. Some of the teachers and long time students have been friends for decades. That atmosphere of friendship, support, and respect will give your child the support he or she needs to succeed!
Miguel Serrano
Chief Instructor
7th Degree Black Belt